We value positive relationships with parents and carers to help develop better social and emotional skills in children. We know that when children are engaged with their learning, they attend school more regularly, leading to better long term outcomes.
For parenting and counselling services, visit the Family Support page, and for direction and clarity on regulations, processes and procedures at our school, read the Sydney Catholic School policies.
All parents are encouraged to be actively involved in the school through the work of the Parents and Friends Association (P&F). The P&F aims to:
- recognise and value the role that parents/carers play in the education of their children
- reach out to everyone associated with the school to build a friendly and welcoming community
- strengthen the partnership between family, school, parish and the wider community for the benefit of their children’s overall development and learning
- fundraise to help provide resources and opportunities for enriching the learning environment of the school.
Our school strives to keep parents well informed about school news and their children’s progress. The following avenues are used:
- The school app (Compass) is used to keep parents up to date with events at the school. All parents are expected to have the app on their smartphone.
- The school newsletter is produced every second Thursday, commencing in the second week of each term. It is available through the Compass Parent Portal. Parents receive an email and app alert giving notification that the newsletter is available. The newsletter contains information regarding upcoming school activities, reminders and various items of interest. It is our primary method of regular communication with parents.
- Each fortnight, with the newsletter, a grade newsletter is emailed to parents outlining upcoming class events and topics to be taught in Religious Education, English and Mathematics. The overview sent in Week Two of each term provides details for all curriculum areas for the term. If further clarification is necessary, parents are welcome to arrange a convenient time to speak to the class teacher.
Formal parent-teacher interviews are held at the beginning of each school year and at the end of semester one. Parents are welcome to request an interview with their child’s class teacher or a leadership team member should a need arise.
These interviews can organised by calling (02) 9808 2658 or emailing the school office info@smpsmeadowbank.catholic.edu.au